Confined Space Entry training course

Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membekali peserta dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan persiapan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan pekerjaan dalam ruang tertutup/terbatas.

* Bidang yang harus diisi

Biaya: USD 400
Waktu: 8:30 -17:00
Negara kursus: Turki

Bureau Veritas

Kursus ini disertifikas
oleh Bureau Veritas.
Durasi: 1 hari
Peserta: 2-16 orang
Validitas: 5 years
Bahasa: Inggeris
Online: Yes:

Kontak Turki

Alamat: İçmeler, D-100
Karayolu Cad. No:38/8,
34944 Tuzla / İstanbu

Kelompok sasaran

Setiap personel yang terlibat dengan pekerjaan ruang terbatas atau penyelamat potensial.

Tujuan Kursus

Cara mengidentifikasi dan mengendalikan/menghilangkan bahaya di dalam dan di sekitar Ruang Sempit, serta cara beroperasi dengan aman di dalam lingkungan kerja Ruang Sempit.

Persyaratan untuk siswa / Persyaratan Penerimaan

Peserta harus memiliki sertifikat medis yang valid dan ID foto yang valid

Konten kursus

Definisi ruang terbatas. Mengidentifikasi Ruang Terbatas
Bahaya dan Bahaya yang terkait dengan ruang terbatas
Karakteristik ruang terbatas
Prosedur pengoperasian yang aman di ruang terbatas
Tanggung Jawab Personalia
Memahami sistem Izin Bekerja (PTW)
Peralatan yang Tepat
Prosedur darurat dan penyelamatan personel di ruang terbatas


Tujuan keseluruhan dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk melindungi mereka yang memasuki atau bekerja di sekitar ruang terbatas. Dalam kursus ini Anda akan mempelajari prinsip-prinsip fisik, kimia, dan biologi yang terkait dengan bekerja dengan aman di ruang terbatas.

Tulis Ulasan Anda Sendiri

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Course Information on Confined Space Entry

Confined space training courses are essential for individuals who work in confined spaces, whether in high, medium, or low-risk environments. These courses provide vital knowledge and skills for safely entering and working in confined spaces, which are often characterized by restricted movement and potential health and safety hazards. The training emphasizes the importance of using appropriate breathing apparatus and understanding the specific challenges of working in confined spaces. It is particularly crucial for those working in high-risk confined spaces, where the likelihood of hazardous conditions is greater. Guild-accredited training ensures that workers are equipped with the necessary skills to maintain safety in these challenging environments, whether they are working in low, medium, or high-risk confined spaces.

Emergency Rescue and Recovery in Confined Spaces

The training is aimed at ensuring safe working practices and proper training for people working in confined spaces. The courses are designed to provide awareness of confined space entry and the necessary arrangements for confined spaces, emphasizing the importance of a safe system of work to prevent accidents and injuries. These courses are crucial for those who need to understand the risks and proper procedures for entering and working in confined spaces, ensuring their safety and the safety of others.

he course is structured to meet the national occupational standards and is designed to provide comprehensive training and assessment in confined space awareness and safe system of work practices. It includes the award in entrant and entry controller, equipping delegates with the necessary accreditation to carry out work safely and effectively in confined spaces. The course content covers specific courses for different types of confined spaces, including water and non-water environments, and focuses on practical skills such as basic first aid and the use of airline breathing apparatus. By completing this course, delegates not only understand the risks associated with confined spaces but also acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to prevent accidents and injuries, thereby contributing to a safer working environment across the UK and worldwide.

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